Workshop Discussion Proposals from Adoption Group / LJC

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Tue Jul 10 14:14:43 UTC 2018

That's weird. I assume you're on a text only client?  Here it is again:

AdoptOpenJDK Build Farm:

1. We would like to discuss some small changes to source control practices
at OpenJDK to make life easier for builders of OpenJDK. In particular we'd
like to get agreement on specific release tags so OpenJDK builders can
match Oracle's OpenJDK quarterly and CPU releases.

2. The AdoptOpenJDK build farm infrastructure as code includes build
scripts, installers, container support, test scripts / suites and JCK
utilities (for those who are JCK signatories). How can we make this easier
either technically or process wise for folks so that all vendors / parties
can benefit from this shared resource? An ideal outcome here is that all
vendors can save time and effort on build and test of OpenJDK (no one
competes on build / farms) and end users have openly audited, consistent
OpenJDK binaries.

3. The AdoptOpenJDK build farm hosts are intended for use by all vendors /
interested parties (within reason).  How can we make this easier either
technically or process wise for folks? Some benefits include being able to
better support Java's WORA promise across more ports (AIX, Zos, Arm 32/64,
Win32, z390 et al) and to disseminate and test early binaries of builds
coming out of amber, valhalla etc.

4. The AdoptOpenJDK build farm team would like to discuss OpenJDK (LTS)
patch maintenance (once public updates by Oracle cease for an LTS release).
An ideal outcome would be to have clear identification of security and
stability patches so that other OpenJDK vendors can back port for their own

Adoption Group:

1. The Adoption Group has been going for awhile and has had some success,
but not the impact it would have liked.  We'd like to discuss the
outstanding barriers that developers wanting to contribute to OpenJDK face
today so that we can improve the number and velocity of newcomers to
2. We'd like to discuss the current state of Java 9+ adoption in production
and what changes OpenJDK may need to make in order to improve that in order
to reduce the length of time that the industry stays on Java 8.

OpenJDK Roadmap:

1. We'd like to discuss the OpenJDK strategic roadmap, for example is Cloud
/ Container support the top priority for the next 6 releases?  It would be
interesting to discuss how that Roadmap could be visualised with JEP's
fulfilling the various goals.

2. We'd like to discuss the OpenJDK roadmap specifically around:
        * Value Types and related work
        * Safer replacements for functionality in sun.misc.Unsafe
* GPU support / Support for ML specific hardware
* Java Packager
* Improvements to Jigsaw

These topics in particular are 'future' items that various LJC developers
have stated are of most interest to their businesses.

3. We'd like to discuss OpenJDK jdk8u maintenance once public updates by
Oracle cease. An ideal outcome would be to find maintainer(s) going


On Tue, 10 Jul 2018 at 14:22, Andrew Haley <aph at> wrote:

> On 07/10/2018 10:45 AM, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> > Was wondering if there was any feedback on these proposals (and the
> others
> > on this list).
> Dunno.  The formatting is so awful that it's unreadable.
> --
> Andrew Haley
> Java Platform Lead Engineer
> Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
> EAC8 43EB D3EF DB98 CC77 2FAD A5CD 6035 332F A671

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