Workshop topic: Utilising the AdoptOpenJDK Build Farm

Tim Ellison t.p.ellison at
Mon Jul 23 10:40:50 UTC 2018

Hi Martijn,

As you know, I'm also interested in AdoptOpenJDK so would be happy to
participate in this as a workshop topic.


On 22/07/2018 22:08, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Hi all,
> Splitting my previous mail into proper topics.  Here's the first one.
> The AdoptOpenJDK build farm <> infrastructure as
> code <> includes build scripts,
> installers, container support, test scripts / suites and JCK utilities (for
> those who are JCK signatories).
> 1. We would like to discuss some small changes to source control practices
> at OpenJDK to make life easier for builders of OpenJDK. In particular we'd
> like to get agreement on specific release tags
> <> so OpenJDK builders can
> match Oracle's OpenJDK quarterly and CPU releases.
> 2. How can we make the build farm easier technically or process wise for
> folks so that all vendors / parties can benefit from this shared resource?
> An ideal outcome here is that all vendors can save time and effort on build
> and test of OpenJDK (no one competes on build / farms) and end users have
> openly audited, consistent OpenJDK binaries.
> 3. The AdoptOpenJDK build farm hosts are intended for use by all vendors /
> interested parties (within reason).  How can we make this easier either
> technically or process wise for folks? Some benefits include being able to
> better support Java's WORA promise across more ports (AIX, Zos, Arm 32/64,
> Win32, z390 et al) and to disseminate and test early binaries of builds
> coming out of amber, valhalla etc.
> Cheers,
> Martijn

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