Workshop proposal: Using Serviceability Mechanisms from java.base

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Tue Jul 30 23:32:22 UTC 2019

A few interesting things have happened after Java 8 regarding serviceability 

1. System.Logger was introduced as a public API.
2. JFR was open sourced.
3. Some JFR support infrastructure was added to java.base.

These are significant because they allow log messages and JFR events to be 
emitted from the java.base module.

In the case of logging, it's possible to unify JDK system logging from java.base 
with application logging, by redirecting SystemLogger to the logging back-end of 

The discussion topic is: now that these mechanisms are available, what things in 
in java.base should use them? We should also consider making more use of 
MXBeans, which are thus far underutilized.

Length: long

Bio: Stuart Marks is a core libraries engineer in the Oracle JDK group.

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