Bytecode profiling

Edward Nevill ed at
Fri Feb 20 06:57:32 PST 2009

Hi folks,

Another day, more profiling. I have persuaded gprof to tell me the % time spent executed
each bytecode in my ASM loop. This is more useful than the simple bytecode counter in
the CPP interpreter. Some interesting results.

I have just included summaries here down to the 1% level. If anyone wants the full profile
I can send it. At the bottom of each bytecode profile I have include other functions down
to the 1% level for comparison.

First CaffeineMark. Fairly much as expected. I'm surprised it spends quit that amount of
time in getfield. I'll have another look at that. Also notice the high % in iload_0. This
is probably a lie. It is probably aload_0, the asm VM does not distinguish aload_0, it
just goes to iload_0. So the sequence is probably aload_0, getfield.

----- ECM ---
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
 11.99      1.21     1.21                             do_getfield
  7.19      1.94     0.73                             do_iload
  4.96      3.06     0.50                             do_iaload
  4.56      3.52     0.46                             do_ifne
  4.56      3.98     0.46                             do_iload_0
  4.36      4.42     0.44                             do_iconst_1
  3.32      4.75     0.34                             do_iload_2
  2.97      5.05     0.30                             do_if_icmplt
  2.78      5.33     0.28                             do_istore
  2.58      5.87     0.26                             do_ixor
  2.38      6.11     0.24                             do_laload
  1.78      6.48     0.18                             do_iadd
  1.73      6.66     0.18                             do_iinc
  1.68      7.00     0.17                             do_iload_1
  1.54      7.15     0.16                             do_iload_3
  1.49      7.45     0.15                             do_iconst_0
  1.44      7.60     0.15                             do_if_icmpgt
  1.39      7.74     0.14                             do_if_icmpge
  1.19      7.86     0.12                             do_dadd
  1.19      7.98     0.12                             do_ifle
  1.19      8.10     0.12                             do_istore_2
  1.14      8.21     0.12                             do_lastore
  1.09      8.43     0.11                             do_lload

  6.14      2.56     0.62  2136180     0.00     0.00  BytecodeInterpreter::run(BytecodeInterpreter*)
  2.78      5.61     0.28      490     0.57     1.85  CppInterpreter::main_loop(int, Thread*)
  1.88      6.30     0.19  1099047     0.00     0.00  InterpreterFrame::build(ZeroStack*, methodOopDesc*, JavaThread*)
  1.68      6.83     0.17  1218147     0.00     0.00  methodOopDesc::result_type() const
  1.49      7.30     0.15  1224036     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::iterate_returntype()
  1.09      8.32     0.11    18512     0.01     0.01  typeArrayKlass::allocate(int, Thread*)

Next, EEMBC. Only 5 bytecode above the 1% level. Notice the time spent in os::vm_page_size()
2.93%, more than any bytecode apart from do_getfield.

--- EEMBC -----
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name    
  3.54     61.03     3.84                             do_getfield
  3.27     64.57     3.54                             run_opt_entry
  1.80     79.09     1.95                             do_iload
  1.58     80.80     1.72                             do_iload_0
  1.16     82.06     1.26                             do_iload_1
  1.06     83.21     1.15                             do_if_icmplt

 24.60     26.67    26.67 100435622     0.00     0.00  BytecodeInterpreter::run(BytecodeInterpreter*)
 13.87     41.70    15.03     1847     0.01     0.02  CppInterpreter::main_loop(int, Thread*)
  5.77     47.95     6.25 47872572     0.00     0.00  methodOopDesc::result_type() const
  4.58     52.91     4.97 47096141     0.00     0.00  InterpreterFrame::build(ZeroStack*, methodOopDesc*, JavaThread*)
  3.95     57.19     4.28 47882026     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::iterate_returntype()
  2.93     67.75     3.18 94194307     0.00     0.00  os::vm_page_size()
  2.64     70.61     2.86 46326855     0.00     0.00  CppInterpreter::normal_entry(methodOopDesc*, int, Thread*)
  2.06     72.84     2.23 47897882     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::parse_type()
  2.03     75.04     2.20 74343829     0.00     0.00  ConstantPoolCacheEntry::is_resolved(Bytecodes::Code) const
  1.94     77.14     2.10 47884823     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::SignatureIterator(symbolHandle)

Finally, Think Office. Only 1 bytecode above the 1% level. And it spends more time doing
os::vm_page_size() than any bytecode. I must get the callgraph profile and find out who
is calling it 33E6 times.

Not the time in run_opt_entry. This is because of all the invokes and returns. Perhaps
I have just deoptimised the VM for think office and it is just spending its time bouncing
between 'run' and 'run_opt'

--- Office ---
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name    
  2.12     31.06     1.07                             run_opt_entry
  1.39     34.18     0.70                             do_getfield

 25.50     12.88    12.88 34862862     0.00     0.00  BytecodeInterpreter::run(BytecodeInterpreter*)
 11.26     18.57     5.69    35015     0.00     0.00  CppInterpreter::main_loop(int, Thread*)
  6.36     21.78     3.21 18326576     0.00     0.00  methodOopDesc::result_type() const
  4.59     24.10     2.32 16971754     0.00     0.00  InterpreterFrame::build(ZeroStack*, methodOopDesc*, JavaThread*)
  4.30     26.27     2.17 18391356     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::iterate_returntype()
  2.67     27.62     1.35 18587041     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::parse_type()
  2.36     28.81     1.19 24191043     0.00     0.00  ConstantPoolCacheEntry::is_resolved(Bytecodes::Code) const
  2.34     29.99     1.18 15669590     0.00     0.00  CppInterpreter::normal_entry(methodOopDesc*, int, Thread*)
  1.94     32.04     0.98 33980388     0.00     0.00  os::vm_page_size()
  1.46     32.77     0.74  1302034     0.00     0.00  CppInterpreter::native_entry(methodOopDesc*, int, Thread*)
  1.41     33.48     0.71 18435409     0.00     0.00  SignatureIterator::SignatureIterator(symbolHandle)

For now....


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