[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR(S): JDK-8031134 : PPC64: implement printing on AIX

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 18:56:37 UTC 2014

Hi Phil,

first of all, thanks a lot for your review. Please find my answers and
comments inline:

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hello Volker,
> Interesting that all this is needed. How has AIX got by before ?

Well, there hasn't been AIX support in OpenJDK until now so it obviously
didn't work:)

> Is this taken from an existing IBM port or did you write this yourself ?

This is from our certified, long running (Java 4,5,6,7), commercial SAP JVM
(proudly written by ourselves).

> I'd hope you are getting help directly from IBM in this area.

Sometimes:) We're doing the OpenJDK port together with IBM. (That is, we're
actually merging our existing, commercial ports in.)

> I suppose that if CUPS is configured and running it'll take precedence
> over these
> as it does for the other cases. Someone with AIX should test that at some
> point as
> its the only way to know for sure that that works.

There is no such things like CUPS or fontconfig on AIX. Of course somebody
may compile, configure and run it by himself. But that's neither the
default setting on AIX nor is it supported by IBM. I have no such box and I
don't know any customer that would use it.

But believe me, our  customers are using our implementation since long time
- and it is working (even printing).

I'd hoped that AIX would be able to fit into either the BSD or SysV
> printing mold
> but it seems like its got its own special commands
> - lsallq is a new one on me and looks like an AIX special

Yes, it's AIX special (from the man page " The lsallq command lists the
names of all configured queues contained in the /etc/qconfig file.").
However, sometimes it can really save your life, especially if you have
costumers which have configured thousands of printers and 'lpstat -p' takes
hours to come back (we've seen that!).

- the "-W" arg to lpstat is completely different than what it means on OS X
> or Linux !
> and there's the oddity that it doesn't expect spaces between the flag and
> the value ..
> so I think your approach is the best one.
> A few specific comments :-
>  } else if (aixPrinterEnumerator.equalsIgnoreCase("lsallq")) {
>  144                     aix_defaultPrinterEnumeration = aix_lsallq;
>  145                 }
> this code seems redundant since its just reasserting the default unless
> you intend that this be something that can change multiple times but
> I'd advise against that and anyway its in static block so that won't
> happen ..

We've documented both values for "sun.java2d.print.aix.lpstat" to be able
to change the default. So the user should be able to set both values. And
no, the value won't be changed anywhere else.

I see you defined
> 167     static boolean isAIX( ) {
>  168         return osname.equals("AIX");
>  169     }
>  170
> so why are you using this here :-
>  136         if (osname.equals("AIX")) {
> instead of calling isAIX() as you do elsewhere ?


> ...
> } else if (names.length != 1) {
>          // No default printer found
> In the other cases we chose to nominate the 1st printer as the default.
> This seemed a better choice than making apps deal with a list of
> installed printers but no default. Not sure what problems you might
> encounter with this (if any). If the situation never occurs its not an
> issue.

You're right. This was probably a copy-and-past left over.
I think there's no meaningful default printer name on AIX and if 'lpstat
-d' doesn't return anything useful then there's probably a problem and we
better return 'null'.

Here's the new webrev:


Is this now ready for pushing into ppc-aix-port/stage-9?

Thank you and best regards,

> -phil.
> On 1/16/14 12:08 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
>> Resending one more time to 2d-dev upon request:
>> Hi,
>> could somebody please review the following small change:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/8031134/
>> It's the straight forward implementation of the basic printing
>> infrastructure on AIX and shouldn't have any impact on the existing
>> platforms. As always, this change is intended for the
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/ppc-aix-port/stage/jdk repository.
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Volker
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