[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR 8144828: Marlin renderer causes unaligned write accesses

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Mon Dec 7 21:15:04 UTC 2015

pos and needSize are longs.  px_bbox1 and px0 are positive ints with 
px_bbox1 known to be greater than px0 so the subtraction should not be 
able to overflow an int.  But, now that we are adding 3, is it possible 
for that calculation to overflow?  Would it be better to protect against 
that by using 3L (and -4L) even though these are theoretical issues? 
(The result of that calculation gets cast to long before adding it to 
pos anyway.)


On 12/7/15 8:34 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following (critical) bug fix that ensures (4 bytes)
> aligned memory accesses (Unsafe) in MarlinCache:
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144828
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lbourges/marlin/marlin-8144828.0/
> Changes:
> - added MarlinConst.doCheckUnsafe (false by default) to manually check
> addresses
> - MarlinCache: align needed bytes in copyAARowNoRLE() as the same
> off-heap block is also used by copyAARowRLE_WithBlockFlags() which store
> RLE entries as integer:
> + // determine need array size:
> + // for RLE encoding, position must be aligned to 4 bytes (int):
> + // align - 1 = 3 so add +3 and round-off by mask ~3 = -4
> + final long needSize = pos + ((px_bbox1 - px0 + 3) & -4);
> I did not tested on the sparc platform as I do not have one !
> But it tested the patch on my linux 64 (intel).
> Best regards,
> Laurent

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