[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] RFR JDK-8212116: IIOException "tEXt chunk length is not proper" on opening png file

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Dec 5 15:38:24 UTC 2018

OpenJDK has no LTS releases. That's an Oracle JDK thing for which you 
need a support contract ..
If you use free OpenJDK you can only use the latest.
Others might provide an LTS but they aren't likely to include random 
backports on demand either .


On 12/5/18, 2:53 AM, Jan Vomlel wrote:
> Thank you Jayathirth for bug resolution.
> I think it is ok, but can you fix it also in version 11? It is LTS 
> version and we would like to use it for our project.
> Jan
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