[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Availability of Lucida fonts with OpenJDK 11

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Dec 27 04:52:33 UTC 2018

The fonts that shipped with JDK may be have been reshipped by B&H to 
other customers
but there were many things done custom for JDK, and particularly for 
Lucida Sans.
A lot depends on what you depend on but I think the only way to guarantee
equivalence is to go ask B&H directly for a license for the *exact* same 
fonts as licensed
to Oracle JDK. A 3rd party would be unlikely to know what the JDK fonts 
Asking your customers to do this would be your decision .. but I think 
with your product would be better than that if terms can be agreed.


On 12/26/18, 3:14 AM, MN, Jayanarayanan wrote:
> Season's Greetings!
> My team is currently working on migrating some of our (mostly Desktop 
> & Swing-based) applications from OracleJDK 8 to OpenJDK 11 and we have 
> discovered that Lucida fonts are not distributed with OpenJDK.
> This and other font changes are discussed in the chain here:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/discuss/2017-November/004629.html
> Does anyone have any further advice on how best to enable our 
> customers to continue to use these fonts?
> Is it feasible for us to obtain an OEM license to ship the fonts (as 
> Oracle presumably did with OracleJDK 10 and earlier)?
> Or does anyone know of an open source alternative that is close enough 
> to the fonts previously shipped with OracleJDK?
> Or will our customers have to license the fonts themselves in order to 
> use them in our future releases?
> Based on initial research, I had found the following site which 
> appears to license the fonts for individuals, sites or OEMs:
> https://tug.org/store/lucida/index.html
> Can anyone confirm that this is the correct point of contact regarding 
> the Lucida fonts?
> Jayan
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