[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] FontMetrics differ between OracleJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Sat Dec 29 17:55:49 UTC 2018

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On 12/29/18, 7:50 AM, Tredinnick, Jacob wrote:
> Hello,
> My team is currently working on migrating some of our (mostly Desktop 
> & Swing-based) applications from OracleJDK 8 to OpenJDK 11 and we have 
> discovered that some fonts in our application are getting drawn 
> significantly differently e.g. significantly larger, differences with 
> spaces between characters.
> When debugging, we found that the FontMetrics for the Font obtained as 
> follows:
> FontMetrics metrics = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(font);
> Returns significantly different values:
> For example a plain, size 12 Calibri font:
> In OracleJDK 8 metrics.getMaxAscent() returns 11, while in OracleJDK 
> 11 it returns 9.
> I understand that the proprietary "T2K" font engine was replaced by 
> "FreeType" in OpenJDK but I'm surprised at the very noticeable 
> differences that we now see in some of our text objects.
> Is it expected that FontMetrics would be so significantly different 
> between OracleJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11?
> Note: I can share the code that generates the font metrics as well as 
> a file describing all the diffs for fonts on my laptop if needed.
> Note also:
> We did attempt to submit a bug for this behaviour via 
> https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/
> But when we search for our bug ID 9058505 there are no results, 
> presumably meaning that no-one has accepted this as a bug so far.
> I'm not sure if anyone here is able to find out what happened to our 
> report?
> Thanks
> --
> Jake
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