[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [PATCH] 8210058: Algorithmic Italic font leans opposite angle in Printing

Dmitry Batrak dmitry.batrak at jetbrains.com
Thu Aug 29 10:58:13 UTC 2019


I'd like to submit a patch for JDK-8210058. I'm not a Committer, so I'll
need someone to sponsor this change.

The issue is related to the implementation of algorithmic italics in
FreeType font scaler. At the moment it uses FT_GlyphSlot_Oblique, but its
implementation doesn't take into account the glyph transform, previously
set using FT_Set_Transform, and FreeType developers don't seem to have any
interest in changing that (see
The proposed solution is to include corresponding shear transform
explicitly in matrix passed to FT_Set_Transform instead of using
Proposed patch doesn't add any tests, as the change only impacts glyph
rendering, and I couldn't think of a reliable way to test that
automatically. Existing automated tests from OpenJDK pass after the fix.

Issue:  https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210058
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dbatrak/8210058/webrev.00/

Best regards,
Dmitry Batrak
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