New JEP: Switch Expressions for the Java Language

Kevin Bourrillion kevinb at
Mon Dec 18 21:55:02 UTC 2017

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 1:25 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:

> On 12/18/2017 4:16 PM, Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at>
> wrote:
>> I think most of my questions surround how these changes will (or *should*)
>> affect non-expression switches.
>>    - Should we retcon `case A, B:` onto regular switches, with the same
>>    semantics?
>> Absolutely; I thought this was already present in the JEP, but if not,
>> I'll clarify.
>>    - Should we retcon `case null:` onto regular switches, with the same
>>    semantics?
>> Absolutely; same comment.
> There is a problem here, especially among users who learn Java in the
> future and never know how `switch` used to work.
> They will know that `null` is a valid thing to switch on, and when they
> don't see `case null` they will assume that the `default` clause is being
> executed. That's unfortunate.
> Why would they assume that?  What they'll learn in future Java school is
> "If there's no explicit case null, switch throws NPE".  Which is exactly as
> it is today -- except that you can't spell "case null".  In no case will a
> switch without a "case null" execute the default clause on null input.
> Now whenever we want null handled the default way we're going to have to
> do this:
>   case null:
>   default:
>     codeHere();
> Right.  This seems pretty clean to me -- if you want null lumped into
> default, you say so, and its clear.  Otherwise you get the default null
> treatment.
> This isn't an absolute deal-breaker, but I could use a refresher on what
> the positive value of allowing `case null` is at all. The word "null" does
> not appear in the current pattern matching doc.
> Same answer as with floats: nested patterns and composibility.
> Suppose I have a class Box<T>, which is a one-element collection, and
> let's say a Box can contain null.  (Nulls are reasonable, if tricky values
> for domain classes.)  I want to be able to say:
>     case Box(null): ...
> which is a nested pattern that means:
>     case Box(\alpha) where \alpha matches null:
> which brings us back to: everything is cleaner if null is a just constant
> pattern that can be matched.

I'm with you so far.

> At which point, it just seems a little mean to have null be a pattern but
> *not* be able to say:
>     case null:
> in a switch at top level.  Especially because you should be allowed to
> refactor:
>     case Box(null): A
>     case Box(String s): B;
>     case Box(Frogs fs): C;
> into
>     case Box(var x):
>         switch (x) {
>             case null: A
>             case String s: B;
>             case Frogs fs: C;
>         }
> if that seems beneficial.

To me, this amounts to enough justification *if there were no drawbacks*,
but given the potential for some confusion exists, I am still trying to
convince myself why this matters enough to outweigh that.

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at
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