<AWT Dev> Reviewer needed - awt/FontClass/CreateFont/DeleteFont test correction

Pavel Tisnovsky ptisnovs at redhat.com
Tue Nov 9 07:40:20 PST 2010

Hi all,

could anybody please review correction of
awt/FontClass/CreateFont/DeleteFont regression test?

This test check, if the temporary file containing font is properly
deleted when JVM finishes. The check is based on counting of files in
temporary dir - if temporary font file is not deleted, the number of
files before and after running the test differs.

BUT JVM also creates hsperfdata_* subdirectory so the check described
above always fails (presence of this subdirectory add +1 to number of
files). I've added simple filter to resolve this issue. Another option
is to disable the hsperfdata_* creation at all.

Webrev is available at:

PS: I'd also like to backport this correction to JDK6 if it is possible.

Thank you in advance
Pavel T.

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