<AWT Dev> Standalone test was: Memory leaks due to static references in AWT & Swing

Roman Kennke roman at kennke.org
Thu Jul 21 05:25:02 PDT 2011

Hi Jaroslav,

> > However, this confirms my concern. When a showing dialog is going out of
> > scope, without having dispose() or such called before, what is supposed
> > to happen? 
> Actually the test calls dispose():
>   d.setVisible(visibility);
>   if (!visibility) {
>     d.dispose();
>   }
> so in this case the answer is easy, the dialog should be eligible for GC.

Sorry, haven't seen this. In this case, yes, we seem to have a problem.
I will have a look at this testcase and try to find what is going wrong.

> > AWT resource management is not 100% automatic AFAIK.
> I am ready to help the system. Just using reflection to clean some fields 
> seems like a too dirty kind of help...

I absolutely agree.

Regards, Roman

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