<AWT Dev> [8] Review request for 7124213 and 7160627

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Wed Sep 12 05:50:18 PDT 2012

Hi Sergey,

>  880      * empty. In the XPeers or WPeers we use some magic constants, but here we
>  881      * try to use something more useful,

Why can't we use "some magic constants" here, and the constant 1 in 
particular? This choice may be relevant to components that display some 
text, but e.g. for a container component using text-based metrics 
doesn't look right. Also, I see that "w" was used previously, and you're 
changing this to "0". Perhaps "W" might work best?

>   43 abstract class LWContainerPeer<T extends Container, D extends JComponent>
>   44     extends LWCanvasPeer<T, D>

A Canvas peer implementation may be "heavier" since it can pull some 
graphics-related code which is unnecessary for simple containers. Do we 
really have to inherit from LWCanvasPeer here? Could we extract common 
code in a separate class and make container and canvas peers extend it 

best regards,

On 9/11/2012 9:38 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>   Hi Everyone,
> Please review the fix for:
> 7124213 [macosx] pack() does ignore size of a component; doesn't on the 
> other platforms.
> 7160627 [macosx] TextArea has wrong initial size
> Description of main changes:
> All our components were split into 3 groups:
>  - Uses getPreferedSize()/getMinimumSise from swing delegetes.
>  - Uses its own size as a preferedSize/minimumSize.
>  - Uses its own implementation.
> Notes:
> LWContainerPeer is subclass of LWCanvasPeer now. We can share buffers 
> methods in LWCanvasPeer and LWWindowPeer.
> All magic/system constants were removed. Now we relies on default look 
> and feel as much as possible.
> Bugs: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7160627
>            http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7124213
> ** Webrev can be found at: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/7124213_7160627/webrev.00/
> -- 
> Best regards, Sergey. 

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