<AWT Dev> [8] Request for review: 8003173 [macosx] Fullscreen on Mac leaves an empty rectangle

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Wed Jan 9 06:40:48 PST 2013

Hi Sergey,

Note that theoretically the insets can be changed w/o changing the 
content size. For example, if a user switches to a theme with enlarged 
window decorations. Not sure if this applies to Mac presently, but in 
theory this is possible. Will sending the COMPONENT_RESIZE event be 
equivalent to calling the replaceSurfaceData() in this case? Also, since 
the event is only posted but not processed yet, what is the point to 
call repaintPeer() before the surface data is replaced?

The actual fix seems to reside in this file. Why doesn't 
peer.getInsets() return zeros in the full screen mode? If it does 
actually, why do we need this change then? A generic, insets-accounting 
size calculation seems to be preferable in case we need a non-zero 
insets for some specific use-cases in the future.

>  876         peer.updateInsets(getInsets());

This will call a native method upon sending every move/resize event. Why 
do we actually have to do this? I assume the peer already calls the 
PlatformWindow.getInsets() whenever needed. Also, AFAIK, insets rarely 
change on Mac, and you already handle their manual changes when 
entering/exiting the full screen mode. Can we just remove this line?

>  821     [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES block:^(){

This ASSERT statement may safely be removed since the ThreadUtilities 
already guarantee us that we're running on the main thread.

best regards,

On 1/9/2013 17:32, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review the fix.
> The reason why we have an empty space in the full screen mode is that we 
> did not update our insets.
>  - I update insets in the deliverMoveResizeEvent not in the 
> windowDidEnterFullScreen, in this case animation became more 
> smooth(since we update insets just before paint action). So all old 
> fullscreen handle methods in CPlatformWindow were removed.
>  - LWWindowPeer.updateInsets will post ComponentEvent if insets were 
> changed.
>  - CGraphicsDevice.setDisplayMode now stores/restores full screen 
> window, because otherwise NSView looks shifted on screen.
>  - CPlatformView.enterFullScreenMode(): code related to insets was 
> removed, since NSVIew uses the whole screen unlike jdk 6.(see related 
> changes in CPlatformWindow.enter/exitFullScreenMode)
> Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8003173
> Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8003173/webrev.00

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