<AWT Dev> [8] Review Request: JDK-8026143 [macosx] Maximized state could be inconsistent between peer and frame

Petr Pchelko petr.pchelko at oracle.com
Thu Oct 10 06:45:50 PDT 2013

Hello, Sergey, Anthony.

Thank you for the review. I've updated the fix, the new version is available here:

Sergey wrote:
> Is it possible to track this state in the deliverMoveResizeEvent? and update the state of the frame accordingly?
This was a great idea. It significantly simplified our implementation. windowShouldZoom method appears to be VERY unreliable, so checking the state every time the window is resized works much better.

Anthony wrote:
> src/macosx/classes/sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow.java:
>> 577             if (!wasMaximized && isMaximized()) {
>> 578                 deliverZoom(true);
>> 579             } else if (target instanceof Frame) {
> And other occurrences of deliverZoom: it looks like we call it for any CPlatofrmWindow instance, while the extended state is only tracked for Frame instances in public API in AWT. Do we have to manage the maximized state for Window or Dialog peers?
Actually Dialog javadoc states that it should not receive WindowStateChanged events. 
Window javadoc does not say anything about it. So in the new version we deliver zoom events only to frames.

With best regards. Petr.

On 09.10.2013, at 22:26, Sergey Bylokhov <Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi, Petr.
> Is it possible to track this state in the deliverMoveResizeEvent? and update the state of the frame accordingly?
> On 09.10.2013 20:45, Petr Pchelko wrote:
>> Hello, AWT Team.
>> Please review the fix for the issue:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8026143
>> The fix is available at:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pchelko/8026143/webrev.00/
>> When the window is created and it's size is bigger/equal to the size of the screen, Cocoa implicitly sets the native zoomed state to true. In JDK-8007219 this state was made consistent with peer level, this fix makes peer-level state consistent with frame level.
>> With best regards. Petr.
> -- 
> Best regards, Sergey.

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