<AWT Dev> [8] Review Request: JDK-8026262 NPE in SystemFlavorMap.getAllNativesForType - regression in jdk8 b110 by fix of #JDK-8024987

Petr Pchelko petr.pchelko at oracle.com
Fri Oct 11 01:59:06 PDT 2013

Hello, AWT Team.

Please review the fix for the issue:
The fix is available at:

The cause is a forgotten null check in the JDK-8024987 fix. When we try to find all known natives for a type the flavour-to-native cache could not contain some data flavours yet, 
so we are getting a null as a list of corresponding mime-types. It's a valid situation, so a simple null check fixes the problem. The cache will be updated later when the getNativesForFlavour
method will finish.

The fix was tested with the case described in a netbeans bug: without the fix I fail to DnD a file from Krusader file manager, with a fix I can drag it successfully.

With best regards. Petr.

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