<AWT Dev> Review Request for 8056911: Remove internal API usage from ExtendedRobot class

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Fri Aug 29 15:33:17 UTC 2014

So you are proposing adding a new *public* API for this narrow purpose.
And it calls out a whole bunch of internal classes in its apI doc !?!

2642      * <p> The method calls {@link sun.awt.SunToolkit#realSync} to
2643      * sync with native event queue

@throws  sun.awt.SunToolkit.IllegalThreadException if called on the AWT event
2646      *          dispatching thread
2647      * @throws  sun.awt.SunToolkit.OperationTimedOut if the
2648      *          {@link sun.awt.SunToolkit.OperationTimedOut} exception occurs in
2649      *          {@link sun.awt.SunToolkit#realSync}
2650      * @throws  sun.awt.SunToolkit.InfiniteLoop if the
2651      *          {@link sun.awt.SunToolkit.InfiniteLoop} exception occurs in
2652      *          {@link sun.awt.SunToolkit#realSync}
2653      * @throws  ClassCastException if default toolkit is not SunToolkit

I am also not sure how confident I am that the statement

his method guarantees that after
2637      * return no additional Java events will be generated, unless
2638      * cause by user.

is actually guaranteed.

My initial reaction to such a proposal is instead look hard for a better
way even if it means re-writing all the tests.
There's also the proposed 'jdk.*' name space that can be considered
but re-writing the tests would be better.


On 8/29/14 8:11 AM, Dmitriy Ermashov wrote:
> Hi awt team,
> Please review a fix for 8056911, remove internal API usage from 
> ExtendedRobot class.
> We have to throw out all calls of sun.* packages from tests because of 
> incompatibility with Jigsaw project.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dermashov/8056911/webrev.00/
> The CCC request will take place after the review process will be 
> completed.
> Thanks,
> Dima

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