<AWT Dev> [9] Review Request JDK-6980209: Make tracking SecondaryLoop.enter/exit methods easier

Anton V. Tarasov anton.tarasov at oracle.com
Fri Mar 27 14:32:14 UTC 2015

Hi Semyon,

It would be fine if you describe the case when the enter/exit methods are not thread safe, that is 
the bug you're fixing. It's always helpful to track all the essential details in the bug report.

AFAICS, the case is this:

a) "enter" is called on non-dispatch thread
b) the thread scheduler suspends it at, say,  the point right after "keepBlockingEDT" is set to true 
(line 177).
c) "exit" is called, "keepBlockingEDT" is set to false, "wakingRunnable" is posted to EDT and gets 
executed on EDT, "keepBlockingCT" is set to false
b) "enter" continues execution, "keepBlockingCT" is set to true, getTreeLock().wait() potentially 
makes the thread sleep endlessly

Is this correct?

WRT the fix. It's actually a question when "exit" is considered to be prematurely called. Consider 
the following:

a) "exit" is called first on EDT
b) at line 305 "keepBlockingEDT" is checked as false
c) say, at line 310 "enter" is called on EDT and is starting pumping events
d) "exit" continues and wakes "enter" up

 From my point of view, this situation looks functionally the same as if "enter" and "exit" would be 
called in the correct order.

What about simplifying this logic?

public boolean exit() {
   boolean res = false;
   synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
     res = keepBlockingEDT.getAndSet(false);
     afterExit.set(true); // new atomic var
   return res;

Will this scheme work, provided that you use "afterExit" in "enter" appropriately?

getTreeLock() should be called at a narrow possible scope. At least I wouldn't include wakeupEDT() 
into it, unless it's justified. Even then, I would consider adding another private lock for the sake 
of synchronizing "enter" and "exit".

Also, what's the reason of the call at the following line?

325             keepBlockingEDT.set(false);

And the same question here:

326             if (keepBlockingCT.get()) {
327                 // Notify only if enter() waiting in non-dispatch thread

What's wrong if you call getTreeLock().notifyAll() without checking keepBlockingCT?

WRT the test. Does it really call enter/exit in different order, on your machine at least? Shouldn't 
be some test cases where the order is guaranted?


On 26.03.2015 17:49, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review fix for JDK9.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6980209#comment-13623256
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/semyon-sadetsky/6980209/webrev.00/
> ***The root cause:
> There are 2 issues in WaitDispatchSupport:
> 1. If exit() is called before the secondary loop just silently never ends. That is pointed in the 
> summary.
> 2. In the same spec it is proposed to call exit() and enter() concurrently but they are not 
> thread-safe. That is an additional issue.
> To fix 1: I support Artem's proposal for enter() to return false immidiately in case if disordered 
> exit() detected.
> To fix 2: WaitDispatchSupport need to be reworked to allow concurrent execution. Unfortunately we 
> cannot synchronize EDT with another thread, so the secondary loop launching cannot be run 
> atomically. And this is very sensitive area because of potential possibility to block EDT. Right 
> testing of the fix is very desirable.
> ***Solution description:
> 1. User immediately get false as result of enter() if it is detected that exit() has been run 
> either before or concurrently. For that purpose a new AtomicBoolean field prematureExit is 
> introduced.
> 2. The exit() and enter() are reworked to be capable to run concurrently and avoid EDT jam in the 
> secondary loop. See comments to the code for details.
> ***Testing:
> Test launches the secondary loop upon a button press action triggered by the Robot and 
> simultaneously call exit() in a separate thread. The Robot sends a big number of events (number is 
> adjustable by ATTEMPTS constant) to cover different concurrent states randomly. Along with that 
> the Robot sends a number of key events to ensure that UI is kept responsive and all events are 
> dispatched by EDT. The number of the sent key events is tested to be equal to the number of 
> processed events.
> The test is run in different modes to test secondary loop launching from EDT and non-EDT threads.
> --Semyon

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