<AWT Dev> Review Request for 8025001: setFocusTraversalPolicy() to ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy results in an infinite loop

Ambarish Rapte ambarish.rapte at oracle.com
Mon Feb 1 13:48:39 UTC 2016

Hi All,


                Please review the fix for jdk9,

                Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8025001

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~arapte/8025001/webrev.00/




                ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy.getComponentAfter()  returns the same component on each call,

which results in an infinite loop in the test provided in bug.




By default, ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy implicitly transfers focus down-cycle.

That is, during normal forward focus traversal, the Component traversed after a focus-cycle-root

will be the focus-cycle-root's default Component to focus.


For a scenarios for above behavior, i.e.

When focus-cycle-root & focus-cycle-root's default Component are the same component in traversal cycle.

If getComponentAfter()  is called with focus-cycle-root, it returns focus-cycle-root itself.




                Added a check to verify if the getComponentDownCycle() returns same component as the one passed to it.

                Then do not return this component and continue traversing.




                Verified that FocusTraversal tests PASS.

                DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy is directly inherited from ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy.

                DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy also behaves well with above change.





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