<AWT Dev> [9] Review request for 8169133: This time, on Windows: java/awt/Robot/SpuriousMouseEvents/SpuriousMouseEvents.java

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Tue Nov 29 15:09:06 UTC 2016

On 29.11.16 17:47, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>> If the same coordinate system is shared by both screens, means that
>> each point passed to the robot will be related to the(0,0). It is not
>> necessary the (left/top) point of the screen because the screen itself
>> can be shifted from the (0,0)/
> That would mean that both coordinate systems are equivalent and belong
> to the main screen. But requested robot should belong to the screen
> pointed by the constructor argument.

It should belong to the screen *coordinate system*. The starting point 
of the coordinate system is (0,0). If two screens share coordinate space 
mean that there are no differences on which screen the robot was created.

>> The whole application will use the coordinate system of the second
>> monitor, because this is separate standalone screen.
>>> The same app can be run on the usual extended desktop and then moved to
>>> the second screen. In this case, the robot created for the current
>>> screen should act in 2nd screen coordinates as well, otherwise behavior
>>> of the app would be different and depend on the native  platform
>>> configuration.
>> The robot should always use the coordinate system of the screen, in
>> the same way as TopLevel windows use it.
> Where is this specified? Is the "TopLevel window" available to user
> through any java API?

"TopLevel window" are Frames, Windows, etc. the API is 

>>>>> I didn't see a desktop within the OSes supported by JDK9 where
>>>>> multiple
>>>>> screens are treated as a separate displays rather then one extended
>>>>> desktop.
>>>> Such configurations exists, even if default configs supported by
>>>> Oracle have Xinerama does not mean that it was not supported in past,
>>>> and is not supported by OpenJDK in general.
>>>>> It seems JDK-8013116 should be reworked to correspond to the current
>>>>> state of multiscreen concept on the supported platforms.

Best regards, Sergey.

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