<AWT Dev> [10] JDK-8190515: java.awt.Desktop.moveToTrash(File) prompts on Windows 7 but not on Mac

Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com
Mon Dec 11 15:55:06 UTC 2017

Hi Phil, Below are my replies below:




From: Philip Race 
Sent: Saturday, December 9, 2017 11:30 PM
To: Sergey Bylokhov <sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com>
Cc: Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>; awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev> [10] JDK-8190515: java.awt.Desktop.moveToTrash(File) prompts on Windows 7 but not on Mac


I expect I must be misunderstanding something.
The bug seems to be saying we should eliminate  confirmation dialogs but the fix reads
like it does the opposite since it removes flag bits which suppress the dialogs :

-            fop.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO;
Does not "NOCONFIRMATION" mean "no confirmation dialog" ?
[Shashi] FOF_NOCONFIRMATION means no confirmation dialog will be popped up.
The bug says "does not happen on windows 10". Maybe there was a windows 7 bug ?
So after this fix, what happens on windows 7 and 10 ? What versions was the fix tested on ?
[Shashi] Before the fix, there is a pop up dialog on windows 7 and NO dialog pops up in the case of windows 10 for the same test.
After this fix, windows 7 pop up dialog gets suppressed behaving same as windows 10 now. I think probable reason  is that the implementation looks different between windows 7 and windows 10 for the file operations(SHFileOperation). With this change effective behavior is normalized across the different windows flavors.

On 12/8/17, 5:40 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote: 

Looks fine. 

On 05/12/2017 23:23, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote: 

Hi All, Please review a fix for the below bug. 

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8190515 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8190515/webrev.00/ 

Summary: The file delete operation generates pop up dialog in windows7 and not in other higher than windows 7 versions. To keep it consistent across the different flavors, any dialog UI is being suppressed. 

Thanks and regards, 


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