<AWT Dev> [9] Review request for 8176528: Progress state for window is not displayed in taskbar

Sergey Bylokhov sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com
Wed Mar 15 16:48:29 UTC 2017

> The current fix isn't even "general" in this respect.
> Unless there are some existing words somewhere, in
> which case we would just have pointed JCK to those ..

All this stuff have a notion that «xxx in a platform-dependent way.». The only things we can say is that we will try to show a something.

> On 3/15/17, 9:12 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>> I guess that we cannot guarantee that some windows are visible and other one are not.
>> We can say something general like in the current fix, or we can provide an explanation of our internal implementation.
> implNote isn't something JCK can (or should) use.
> We can say something is not specified since it is platform dependent
> and then they just know they can't test it .. although may not like it.
>>> 15 марта 2017 г., в 18:49, Philip Race <philip.race at oracle.com <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>> написал(а):
>>> Good that got cleared up but since bar slight change in the wording
>>> we are back to v0 of the webrev, then we are also back to v0 of my
>>> comments. What are you going to say to JCK about what windows
>>> they can expect to be  visible ?
>>> Can we say
>>> - Frames  are always visible
>> It is not necessary, if the frame has utility type.
> So can we say this with that qualification ?

This is also implementation detail, that such windows are not visible in taskbar. This is not specified anywhere and can be changed in the future.

>>> - Dialogs are always visible if they have no owner
>> This is implementation details on windows. I am not sure why it was implemented this way, is it really intended behavior or not.
> So we'd have to say its platform and implementation dependent
> and add an implNote for audiences other than JCK.

Not sure that we can describe all the cases when it works.

To me the description like «Has no effect if this window is not visible in the task area.» is enough because it also covered the case when the window is invisible.

>>> - All other cases (eg Window) are platform dependent ?
>>>  Or can we say for the latter, other descendants of Window (including
>>>   Window itself) are never visible ?
> What about the last point ?

It depends from the implementation.

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