<AWT Dev> [11] Review request for 8199748: Touch keyboard is not shown, if text component gets focus from other text component

Anton Litvinov anton.litvinov at oracle.com
Thu Apr 19 11:12:27 UTC 2018

Hello Alexey,

Thank you for review of this fix and for identification of this issue. 
Yes, I agree that the touch keyboard should not be hidden, when a focus 
is moved from one text component to the second, after the TAB key was 
pressed on the touch keyboard. Hiding it in this scenario, while not 
hiding the touch keyboard after touching the area of the second text 
component, is inconsistent.

The new version of the fix addressing your remark was created.

Webrev (the 2nd version): 

This issue and the original bug is resolved in the 2nd version of the 
fix by not calling "WToolkit.hideTouchKeyboard()" on 
"FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST" event, if a component which gets focus is a text 
component. Also this version of the fix contains resolution of a 
possible memory leak from the variables: "compOnTouchDownEvent", 
"compOnMousePressedEvent" by changing their types to 
"WeakReference<Component>" and contains small refactoring of "if" 
expressions in "WToolkit.showOrHideTouchKeyboard(Component, AWTEvent)" 
method. Could you please look at the 2nd version of the fix.

Thank you,

On 17/04/2018 17:24, Alexey Ivanov wrote:
> Hi Anton,
> Shouldn't touch keyboard remain visible if Tab key on the touch 
> keyboard itself is pressed? Provided the next focusable component is a 
> text component, of course.
> Consider the following scenario: start Notepad and open Replace 
> dialog. Touch "Find what" field: the touch keyboard appears. Press Tab 
> on the touch keyboard: the focus moves to "Replace with" field and 
> touch keyboard stays visible.
> Regards,
> Alexey
> On 16/04/2018 13:03, Anton Litvinov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could you please review the following fix for the bug.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8199748
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alitvinov/8199748/jdk11/webrev.00
>> In the fix for JDK-8166772 it was deliberately implemented that the 
>> touch keyboard is shown only on "MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED" event and 
>> is hidden on "FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST" event.
>> The reason of the bug is the fact that, when the touch keyboard is 
>> already shown for one text component and a user touches another text 
>> component, then the following 2 events occur in the presented order:
>> 1. "MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED" event arrives. The touch keyboard is 
>> shown for the new text component.
>> 2. "FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST" event arrives for the previous text 
>> component. The touch keyboard shown for the new text component 
>> becomes hidden.
>> The fix allows not to hide the touch keyboard during processing of 
>> "FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST" event, if the touch keyboard has just been 
>> shown, as a result of processing of "MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED" 
>> event, for the component which gets focus 
>> "FocusEvent.getOppositeComponent()".
>> Thank you,
>> Anton

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