<AWT Dev> Subject: <AWT dev>[11] Review request for JDK-8208125: Cannot input text into JOptionPane Text Input Dialog

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Aug 8 21:21:45 UTC 2018



On 8/8/18, 5:56 AM, Manajit Halder wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for your review comment.
> Reverted the code optimization and test code as per the suggestion. 
> Now the code change is same as the changeset e0b025915be8.
> Verified the code reversion with all automated AWT JTreg tests, JCK 
> automated tests, reported JCK manual tests and SwingSet2 test cases.
> The test (UnfocusableMaximizedFrameResizablity.java) passes on Windows 
> and Ubuntu and fails on Mac, which is expected.
> Issue created to fix the original issue: 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209123
> Please review the changes:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mhalder/8208125/webrev.01/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emhalder/8208125/webrev.01/>
> Regards,
> Manajit
> On 04/08/18 2:42 AM, Phil Race wrote:
>> So you are saying the fix here cumulatively backs out the fix for 
>> 7158623 and 8204860
>> and reverts the product code to what it was before and re-introduces
>> 7158623 which affected MacOS on all releases of JDK (7 and onwards) ?
>> I expect that is OK. We can live with a 6 year old bug in 11 as much 
>> better
>> than a stop-ship TCK failure.
>> However I'd prefer that you "exactly" reverted the fix
>> Originally we had
>> -            final boolean resizable = isFrame ? ((Frame)target).isResizable() : (isDialog ? ((Dialog)target).isResizable() : false);
>> you are proposing to keep the rewrite of that condition in the new fix.
>> It is much easier for me to be sure of the equivalence if you revert to byte-for-byte what it was before we started.
>> Ironically, the only other change to this file since you started on this was also backed out !
>> So once you are done we should be back to the same content as changeset e0b025915be8.
>> That changeset was also touching maximise so I definitely think we want to make sure JCK passes.
>> Have you run the JCK tests on Mac to make sure there are no surprises ?
>> We don't have a lot of time left here.
>> Please enumerate all tests you have run on this "reversion" fix.
>> I expect it to include all automated jtreg + JCK tests, related 
>> manual tests, + SwingSet2
>> as well as the specific regression test.
>> Its a bit hard to tell what you are doing with the test, its not an 
>> exact reversion
>> You deleted a lot of machinery and I suppose you want to keep that 
>> part, just revert
>> the parts that verify the functionality you've backed out.
>> But you should make sure that if I as I expect the reverted test now 
>> fails on Mac,
>> and since it is automated, this fix should include problem listing it 
>> on Mac.
>> If it does not fail on Mac .. I'd like to know why .. since this was 
>> the test that originally failed.
>> Also you should make sure it definitely still passes on Windows + Linux.
>> And can you file that new bug, with the full back story, and 
>> reference it here ?
>> -phil.
>> On 08/03/2018 04:23 AM, Manajit Halder wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Please review the fix for JDK11.

>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208125>

>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mhalder/8208125/webrev.00/ 
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emhalder/8208125/webrev.00/>
>>>     This issue and JDK-8208127 was caused due to regression caused 
>>> by fix for the issue JDK-8204860.
>>> Fix:
>>>     I had a relook at the original issue fixed on Windows OS 
>>> (JDK-4980161 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-4980161>) and 
>>> found that the fixes proposed by my earlier fixes were wrong w.r.t 
>>> to the behaviour on Windows and Ubuntu. The issue (JDK-4980161) on 
>>> Windows was that “non-focusable maximized frame was resizable” but a 
>>> focusable maximized frame was already non-resizable (working as 
>>> expected).
>>> Please read the problem description of issue JDK-4980161: which says 
>>> “Typically a maximized frame is not supposed to be resizable.”
>>> I verified the behaviour on Windows and Ubuntu and found that a 
>>> maximized Frame (frame.setExtendedState(Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH)) is 
>>> not resizable irrespective of Frame’s focusable behaviour. On Mac OS 
>>> this behaviour is not implemented i.e. the problem is “maximized 
>>> frame is resizable”.
>>> So the problem which needs to fixed on Mac OS is “Maximized frame 
>>> should not be resizable irrespective of its focusability”
>>> Therefor I have reverted my changes to the original state (before 
>>> fix of issue JDK-7158623 
>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7158623>) and propose to 
>>> fix the problem on Mac by creating a new issue.
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