<AWT Dev> [11] JDK-8195738: scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()

shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com
Thu Mar 1 18:09:06 UTC 2018

Thank you Semyon for the review.

On 01/03/18 11:16 PM, semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com wrote:
> On 3/1/18 9:37 AM, semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com wrote:
>> On 2/28/18 8:09 PM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>>> Hi Semyon, It is not getting decreased for the case of 
>>> SCROLLBARS_NEVER. The Boolean flags “needsHorz” and “needsVert” are 
>>> false for the never case and true for the other cases. We decrease 
>>> by the size of the scroll bars only for the true cases, so in the 
>>> false case we will use the entire width and height(SM_CXEDGE and 
>> Can you clarify this a bit more? I see the next lines executed 
>> without any conditions
>> 215     parentWidth -= (horzBorder * 2);
>> 216     parentHeight -= (vertBorder * 2);
> I was not right this is just borders.
> Looks good to me.
> --Semyon
>> --Semyon
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Shashi
>>> *From:*Semyon Sadetsky
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 1, 2018 12:39 AM
>>> *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>>> *Cc:* awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>> *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> [11] JDK-8195738: scroll poistion in 
>>> ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()
>>> Hi Sashi,
>>> The parent with and height shouldn't be decreased by the size of the 
>>> scrollbars in case of SCROLLBARS_NEVER.
>>> --Semyon
>>> On 2/27/2018 12:45 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>>>     Hi Semyon, Thanks for your help. I did some debugging from that
>>>     perspective and could find the problem and the solution. Here is
>>>     the new webrev, please review it:
>>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8195738/webrev.01/
>>>     <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esveerabhadra/8195738/webrev.01/>
>>>     The problem was that in the case of SCROLLBARS_NEVER, scroll bar
>>>     info was set using setScrollInfo() with SIF_RANGE with ranges
>>>     being (0, 0). This forced the windows to pick a default value
>>>     and hence reset it to that value every time. Now the logic is
>>>     modified in a very similar fashion as the other scroll bar
>>>     display modes but without displaying it using the new win api
>>>     ShowScrollBar(). The scroll bar info is supplied with a proper
>>>     range per the corresponding base component but without the
>>>     scroll bar pane size(as we don’t display it). This should
>>>     suffice a good range for the scroll bars to operate and correct
>>>     itself if there is any out of range value is supplied.
>>>     Thanks and regards,
>>>     Shashi
>>>     *From:*Semyon Sadetsky
>>>     *Sent:* Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:22 AM
>>>     *To:* shashidhara veerabhadraiah
>>>     <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>>>     <mailto:shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>>>     *Cc:* awt-dev at openjdk.java.net <mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>>     *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> [11] JDK-8195738: scroll poistion in
>>>     ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()
>>>     The bug was failed against Windows platform. So, I'd try to find
>>>     the root cause why when the scroll is notified with the scrolled
>>>     component size the scroll position is set to the wrong value.
>>>     --Semyon
>>>     On 02/26/2018 09:51 AM, shashidhara veerabhadraiah wrote:
>>>         I think I agree Semyon. Thanks for your detailed explanation.
>>>         So how do we approach on this? I see a different behaviour
>>>         on other platforms. Shouldn’t we have a common behaviour
>>>         across platforms? I agree with your analysis and hence
>>>         should we change the behaviour on other platforms so that
>>>         all of them will have the same behaviour?
>>>         Thanks and regards,
>>>         Shashi
>>>             On 26-Feb-2018, at 10:17 PM, Semyon Sadetsky
>>>             <semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com
>>>             <mailto:semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>             On 02/24/2018 05:27 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>>>                 Hi Semyon, Thanks for your review and these
>>>                 questions help us to reach the right requirements.
>>>                 Without this change, there is different behavior on
>>>                 windows compared to Mac/Linux platforms. Hence this
>>>                 change is required to make the behavior same across
>>>                 the platforms. Since the scroll pane control is not
>>>                 displayed for the SCROLLBARS_NEVER case and if not
>>>                 in the setScrollPosition() then how can the user can
>>>                 move to a different position? Since we used to
>>>                 update/recalculate the scroll pane geometry caused
>>>                 changes to move to a different position other than
>>>                 the setScrollPosition()!! This causes
>>>                 SCROLLBARS_NEVER mode as unusable as the user is
>>>                 unable to control the scrolling movement because
>>>                 neither he can set one setScrollPosition() nor the
>>>                 control is displayed to explicitly set the movement.
>>>                 Hope this answers your question.
>>>             You need to think once again about two facts I brought
>>>             in my previous message.
>>>             1. User still may scroll using mouse wheel even when
>>>             scrollbars are not visible.
>>>             2. Visibility of scrollbars doesn't affect the
>>>             requirement to notify the scroll about the scrolled
>>>             component size changes. If the scrolled component was
>>>             500x500 in size and its position in the 200x200 viewport
>>>             was (300,300) after the size of the component is changed
>>>             to 300x300 it may not be shown at the same position
>>>             because the previously visible component area doesn't
>>>             exist anymore and the scroll should be moved to
>>>             (100,100). This should work in the same way regardless
>>>             the selected scrlollbar visibility policy.
>>>             --Semyon
>>>                 Thanks and regards,
>>>                 Shashi
>>>                 *From:*Semyon Sadetsky
>>>                 *Sent:*Saturday, February 24, 2018 2:12 AM
>>>                 *To:*Shashidhara
>>>                 Veerabhadraiah<shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>>>                 <mailto:shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>;awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>                 <mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>>                 *Subject:*Re: <AWT Dev> [11] JDK-8195738: scroll
>>>                 poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()
>>>                 On 2/23/18 10:57 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>>>                     Hi Semyon, Whenever the container is resized we
>>>                     used to update the scroll pane sizes/geometry
>>>                     regardless of the scroll bar display policies.
>>>                     This resizing make sense for the non
>>>                     SCROLLBARS_NEVER cases as the scroll pane is
>>>                     displayed or needed an update. This additional
>>>                     update posed issues for the SCROLLBARS_NEVER
>>>                     case where we are not supposed to display the
>>>                     scroll pane per the java doc, then why update?
>>>                     Scroll pane geometry gets updated in 2 ways, one
>>>                     thro’ setScrollPosition() and childResized(). So
>>>                     I derived the conclusion based on the javadoc
>>>                     information that since we don’t display the
>>>                     scroll pane there is no need to update the
>>>                     scroll pane geometry based on the childResized()
>>>                     as it was altering the position already set by
>>>                     the setScrollPosition(). This behavior is same
>>>                     as the other non SCROLLBARS_NEVER mode and
>>>                     setting the scroll bar display to
>>>                     SCROLLBARS_NEVER didn’t made any difference.
>>>                 The only difference of SCROLLBARS_NEVER from others
>>>                 I got from javadoc is that the scroll bar controls
>>>                 are hidden. So the scrolling itself happens in the
>>>                 same way as in the case of visible scroll bars but
>>>                 it can be only controlled by mouse wheel or
>>>                 programmatically. In my understanding this means
>>>                 that the notification about the scrolled component
>>>                 size changes should happen in the same way as for
>>>                 all other cases. I see no reason for the
>>>                 differentiation that your fix introduces. What will
>>>                 happen if to remove this notification for visible
>>>                 scroll bars modes?
>>>                 --Semyon
>>>                     Thanks and regards,
>>>                     Shashi
>>>                     *From:*Semyon Sadetsky
>>>                     *Sent:*Friday, February 23, 2018 10:17 PM
>>>                     *To:*Shashidhara
>>>                     Veerabhadraiah<shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>>>                     <mailto:shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>;awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>                     <mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>>                     *Subject:*Re: <AWT Dev> [11] JDK-8195738: scroll
>>>                     poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling
>>>                     validate()
>>>                     On 2/22/18 8:23 PM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
>>>                     wrote:
>>>                         Hi Semyon, Thanks for your review comments.
>>>                         Here are those different scroll bar pane
>>>                         modes and their description:
>>>                         *Modifier and Type*
>>>                         *Field*
>>>                         *Description*
>>>                         |static int|
>>>                         *SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS
>>>                         <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/awt/ScrollPane.html#SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS>*
>>>                         Specifies that horizontal/vertical
>>>                         scrollbars should always be shown regardless
>>>                         of the respective sizes of the scrollpane
>>>                         and child.
>>>                         |static int|
>>>                         *SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED
>>>                         <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/awt/ScrollPane.html#SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED>*
>>>                         Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbar
>>>                         should be shown only when the size of the
>>>                         child exceeds the size of the scrollpane in
>>>                         the horizontal/vertical dimension.
>>>                         |static int|
>>>                         *SCROLLBARS_NEVER
>>>                         <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/awt/ScrollPane.html#SCROLLBARS_NEVER>*
>>>                         Specifies that horizontal/vertical
>>>                         scrollbars should never be shown regardless
>>>                         of the respective sizes of the scrollpane
>>>                         and child.
>>>                     This javadoc, you've copy-pasted here, doesn't
>>>                     explain why in your fix the notification about
>>>                     changed child size is disabled for
>>>                     SCROLLBARS_NEVER case.
>>>                         Thanks and regards,
>>>                         Shashi
>>>                         *From:*Semyon Sadetsky
>>>                         *Sent:*Thursday, February 22, 2018 11:58 PM
>>>                         *To:*Shashidhara
>>>                         Veerabhadraiah<shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>>>                         <mailto:shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>;awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>                         <mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>>                         *Subject:*Re: <AWT Dev> [11] JDK-8195738:
>>>                         scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after
>>>                         calling validate()
>>>                         Hi Shashi,
>>>                         Can you clarify what is the principal
>>>                         difference between SCROLLBARS_NEVER and
>>>                         other scroll policies that requires to avoid
>>>                         updating the scroll geometry according to
>>>                         the inner component size?
>>>                         --Semyon
>>>                         On 02/19/2018 11:08 PM, Shashidhara
>>>                         Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>>>                             Hi All, Please review a code fix for the
>>>                             below bug.
>>>                             Bug:https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8195738
>>>                             Webrev:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8195738/webrev.00/
>>>                             <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esveerabhadra/8195738/webrev.00/>
>>>                             Problematic platform: Windows only.
>>>                             Summary: This bug occurs only on windows
>>>                             platform and whereas the behavior is
>>>                             different on Mac/Linux platforms. Now
>>>                             after this fix there is common behavior
>>>                             across the platforms.
>>>                             The main problem was with resetting the
>>>                             state of the scroll bars even though the
>>>                             scroll bar panes are spawned with
>>>                             SCROLLBARS_NEVER as the scroll bar
>>>                             display policy. This resetting should
>>>                             not occur as the scroll bar display
>>>                             policy makes the
>>>                             scroll bar panes invisible. Hence except
>>>                             the setScrollPosition() calls, we don’t
>>>                             need to resize/update the scroll bars
>>>                             state upon calling the scroll bars
>>>                             validation if SCROLLBARS_NEVER policy is
>>>                             used as the scroll bars are not displayed.
>>>                             Thanks and regards,
>>>                             Shashi

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