<AWT Dev> [8u-backport] Review request for 8195738 : scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()

Dipak Kumar dipak.kumar at oracle.com
Fri Mar 23 07:12:53 UTC 2018

Just a gentle reminder. Requesting again to review the changes.





From: Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah 
Sent: 20 March 2018 09:26
To: Patrick Chen <chen.j.patrick at gmail.com>; Dipak Kumar <dipak.kumar at oracle.com>
Cc: awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev> [8u-backport] Review request for 8195738 : scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()


Hi Patrick, For the case of scroll bar policy as SCROLLBARS_NEVER, we used to call SetScrollInfo() with nMin and nMax as zero which used to reset the already set value for the scroll bars. There is a better way to resolve this by calling ShowScrollBar() and maintain the set size of the scroll bar without resetting it.

Since the code that does this job is present in cpp files which calls the native api's, they need to be updated to accommodate this fix which fixes the JBS bug.

Hope this answers your question and do have a good day.

Thanks and regards,


On 19/03/18 2:05 PM, Patrick Chen wrote:


I am not to understand why ScrollPane.cpp was changed ? 

And why cpp files? 



2018-03-19 6:25 GMT+01:00 Dipak Kumar <HYPERLINK "mailto:dipak.kumar at oracle.com"dipak.kumar at oracle.com>:

Hi Patrick,


File “awt_ScrollPane.cpp” has already been reviewed as part of JDK 11. The only difference between JDK 11 changeset and JDK 8 backport is the test file (ScrollPaneValidateTest.java), not awt_ScrollPane.cpp.

I had mentioned that in my previous mail.


If at all there is any concern related awt_ScrollPane.cpp file then I think that should be dealt after filing another issue.


Moreover I didn't really get your question. Out of two nested if blocks, one has been removed and yes, variables are being used and their declarations are still intact.


Please let me know if you need any more info.





From: Patrick Chen [mailto:HYPERLINK "mailto:chen.j.patrick at gmail.com"chen.j.patrick at gmail.com] 
Sent: 14 March 2018 18:21
To: Dipak Kumar <HYPERLINK "mailto:dipak.kumar at oracle.com"dipak.kumar at oracle.com>
Cc: HYPERLINK "mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net"awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev> [8u-backport] Review request for 8195738 : scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate()



Why in src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_ScrollPane.cpp did you delete  the main condition?

Means : the two variables are used isn't it ?





2018-03-14 11:02 GMT+01:00 Dipak Kumar <HYPERLINK "mailto:dipak.kumar at oracle.com"dipak.kumar at oracle.com>:

Hi All,


Please review the below patch (for 8u-backport) - 


Webrev : HYPERLINK "http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Edkumar/8195738/webrev.00/"http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dkumar/8195738/webrev.00/  

JBS : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8195738  

JDK 11 changeset - http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/client/rev/96bebffe0be1 


Patch pushed for JDK 11 applies cleanly to JDK 8 after adjusting file path except 'headful' keyword has been removed from the test as this is not defined for 8.

Related Jtreg tests have been run against the proposed patch and results are fine.







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