RFR: 8020411: lin32 - JDK 8 build for Linux-i586 on Oracle Linux 6.4 64-bit machines does not generate the bundles directory in the build directory

Tim Bell tim.bell at oracle.com
Thu Aug 15 14:42:46 UTC 2013


> Open part of this review:
> To build some of the closed OracleJDK parts for 32bit linux on a 64bit 
> linux machine, the parameter -m32/64 needs to be made available when 
> it's needed. Since configure already has this information, the easiest 
> way to achieve this is to just put it in the spec file. Here is the 
> webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8020411/webrev.root.01/

Looks good - approved.


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