RFR: JDK-8027698: Platform specific jars are not being signed by the sign-jars target

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Mon Nov 4 10:19:09 UTC 2013

New webrev posted: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8027698/webrev.jdk.02/

Addressed all comments below. I must have missed the save button before 
generating the webrev when adding ucrypto.jar, but it's there now at least.


On 2013-11-02 01:35, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> On 11/1/2013 3:34 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Please review this simple fix, adding sunmscapi.jar and ucrypto.jar to
>> the list of jars to be signed by the sign-jars target. Since these jars
>> are platform dependent, they aren't always present.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8027698
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8027698/webrev.jdk.01/
>> /Erik
> makefiles/SignJars.gmk
> ======================
> Overall:  Some of the existing/new lines are greater than the standard 
> 80 chars.
> 2:  Some people update the Copyright date instead of waiting for RE to 
> do it.  Feel free if you're one of those.
> 48 & 108:  The RE process for signing jars for JDK 7/8 is completely 
> different than what was originally written/described for JDK 7.  There 
> is an additional separate script that RE uses to include the 
> source_tips into the jar files, and then do the actual signing.  
> SignJars.gmk is here primarily for developer support.
> 47:  Suggest changing to:
> # SPECIAL NOTE TO JCE/JDK developers: The source files must eventually
> # be built, signed, and then the resulting jar files MUST BE CHECKED
> # BE FORGOTTEN*, otherwise a bug fixed in the source code will not be
> # reflected in the shipped binaries.
> #
> # Please consult with Release Engineering, which is responsible for
> # creating the final JCE builds suitable for checkin.
> #
> 94:  I don't see ucrypto.jar listed here.
> 108:  Can you please update the code here to output:
>     The jar files built by the 'sign-jars' target are developer
>     builds only and *MUST NOT* be checked into the closed workspace.
>     Please consult with Release Engineering: they will generate
>     the proper binaries for the closed workspace.
> Since this bug is a subtask of JDK-8027266, I'll add a few more 
> comments to that bug.  I'm guessing you'll probably want to address 
> separately.
> Thanks, Erik!
> Brad

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