problems with freetype.dll, jdk 8 and windows

Phil Race philip.race at
Mon Mar 7 16:50:44 UTC 2016

On 03/07/2016 08:11 AM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:
> - System Setup: freetype is listed as a requirement for Linux and Solaris. But not for Windows.

I don't think that is completely accurate. There is  some additional mention
in Unix sections regarding what to install to make your life easier,
but the README has (since JDK7) listed freetype as required without 
limiting it to specific platforms.

i.e. In JDK9 the "configure" section says :-

select the freetype files to use.

Expecting the freetype libraries under |lib/| and the headers under 

Version 2.3 or newer of FreeType is required. On Unix systems required 
files can be available as part of your distribution .....



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