RFR: JDK-8172312 Update docs target and image for new combined docs

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Mon Apr 3 23:42:07 UTC 2017

2017/4/3 11:01:13 -0700, jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com:
> I agree there will need to be some cosmetic cleanup with respect to 
> headings. Given the optionality of whether or not the build is set to 
> import JavaFX, the headings and content of the new overview page will 
> need to be somewhat synthesized.

Is it possible to have (up to) three sections of modules on the front
page, where the first is headed by an orange "Java SE Modules" box, the
second is "JavaFX Modules", and the third is "JDK Modules"?

That, plus an updated title and some prose to explain that the first
section is standard and the rest are not, would probably do the trick.

> The advantage of being able to generate a single big bundle is that the 
> new "javadoc Search" feature will work as expected.  If we partition the 
> docs, then the scope of any search will be restricted to the subset of 
> docs currently being viewed.

I agree that a unified search experience is very useful.

- Mark

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