RFR: JDK-8201320 Feature request: Allow PrintFailureReports to be turned off

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Tue Apr 10 21:48:22 UTC 2018

Ah it was run without spec before. Looks good then.


On 2018-04-10 14:31, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2018-04-10 23:24, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Nice feature!
>> Init.gmk: 229 were -> was
> Fixed without new webrev.
>> Otherwise looks good.
>> Out of curiosity, was there a reason to move the log parsing macros 
>> outside of has-spec block? It doesn't look like you changed where you 
>> call these macros from.
> Yes, there was, and yes, I have changed it. :) Right below my typo :-) 
> I re-call ParseLogLevel if I get a value in DEFAULT_LOG from the 
> spec.gmk. Unfortunately, this means that I now need to call 
> ParseLogLevel both without a spec and with a spec, which I have 
> hitherto treated as completely different scenarios in 
> Init.gmk/InitSupport.gmk. I have verified that the code is suitable to 
> run in the new situation of being with a spec.gmk as well. There's a 
> fix for COMMA that's not needed when running with a spec, but it 
> doesn't harm either so it's okay.
> /Magnus
>> /Erik
>> On 2018-04-10 13:54, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>> From the bug report:
>>> "The compile errors you get from HotSpot are quite large, and 
>>> usually don't get entirely printed in PrintFailureReports. This has 
>>> the effect that the goto mode to find the compilation error is to 
>>> scroll past PrintFailureReports to get to the complete error message.
>>> It would be nice if there was a way to turn off this feature from 
>>> the command line."
>>> I've solved this by adding a new LOG option, "report", which takes 
>>> an argument: "report=default", "report=none" or "report=all". As 
>>> usual, this can be combined with other LOG options, e.g. 
>>> "LOG=info,report=all".
>>> The "default" value is what it always been, giving you the first 
>>> screenful of lines of each failure. "none" is what Stefan requested, 
>>> and "all" means that there is no truncating, so in a sense, it's 
>>> another way of giving Stefan what he wants. :-)
>>> To make this usable in practice, I also implemented a feature I've 
>>> been thinking about a long time, but never gotten around to. And 
>>> that is to be able to set a default value for LOG in configure, 
>>> similar to how we can set default values for JOBS or the default 
>>> make target.
>>> The new flag is "--with-log=<LOG value>", e.g. 
>>> "--with-log=info,report=none". If a LOG= value is given on the 
>>> command line, it overrides the default value provided to configure.
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8201320
>>> WebRev: 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ihse/JDK-8201320-allow-disabling-of-exit-reports/webrev.01
>>> /Magnus

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