RFR: JDK-8195689 Remove generated-configure.sh and instead use autoconf

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Thu Feb 1 16:38:30 UTC 2018

This version looks good to me.


On 2018-01-25 13:33, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2018-01-18 19:37, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Hello Magnus,
>> Nice to see this finally happening!
> Thanks!
>> In building.md, when getting autoconf for Cygwin, I believe you also 
>> need the autoconf wrapper scripts package. 
> Hm, well, no, it's the other way around. "autoconf" is the name of the 
> cygwin "autoconf wrapper scripts" package. It depends on "m4", 
> "autoconf2.69" (or whatever), etc. I have verified that just 
> installing "autoconf" will be enough, and will pull in all needed 
> dependencies.
>> Perhaps it's also worth mentioning that you can download the autoconf 
>> src and build/install from there?
> Well, I'm already giving a link to 
> http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf in the build readme. I'm not sure 
> if it's helpful for anyone to download the autoconf source by 
> themselves. Most users will have it available prebuilt. And if not, 
> you'll also most likely need to pull down and build m4, and that's 
> trickier. The reason why we used to download autoconf and build it 
> from source was to make sure that we got the exactly right version, 
> but that only made sense when we checked in the 
> generated-configure.sh. (And this worked fine for us, since we had m4...)
>> In jib-profiles.js, you need to use build_platform instead of 
>> target_platform when creating the module name for the dependency. 
> Good point. Fixed.
>> I would also like if you added the dependency on the other main 
>> profiles as well. At least linux-x86, linux-arm64 and windows-x86 are 
>> still possible to build and should work fine with this. For 
>> solaris-x64 you would need to generate the package for it to work.
> Sure.
>> The TMPDIR logic looks weird. Are you unconditionally setting it to 
>> /cygdrive/t/...? That's a valid dir in our build farm, but not on my 
>> local windows box:
>> mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/cygdrive/t’: No such file or directory
>> autom4te: cannot create 
>> /cygdrive/t/workspace/.build/tmpdir/am4t7009.7040: No such file or 
>> directory
>>  at 
>> /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/var/tmp/jib-erik/install/jpg/infra/builddeps/autoconf-windows_x64/2.69+1.0.1/autoconf-windows_x64-2.69+1.0.1.tar.gz/usr/bin/autom4te 
>> line 954.
>> Error: Failed to generate runnable configure script
> Yeah, that was broken by design. :-(
> Some offline discussion later, it turned out that the reason for the 
> trouble was mismatch between cygwin-32 and cygwin-64. I've solved this 
> by generating two different packages, for cygwin-32 and cygwin-64. 
> I've also made some other minor fixes to the build script, e.g. using 
> perl instead of sed due to the braindead sed being available on 
> solaris. :(
> Updated webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ihse/JDK-8195689-remove-generated-configure/webrev.02/ 
> /Magnus
>> /Erik
>> On 2018-01-18 05:28, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>> Currently, we require all developers who modify the configure script 
>>> to run autoconf locally, to update the generated-configure.sh 
>>> script, which is then checked in. This is the only instance of 
>>> checked in "compiled" code in OpenJDK, and this has brought along 
>>> several problems:
>>> * Only a specific version of autoconf, 2.69, can be used, to avoid 
>>> large code changes in the generated file. Unfortunately, Ubuntu 
>>> ships a version of autoconf that claims to be 2.69 but is actually 
>>> heavily patched. This requires all Ubuntu users to compiler their 
>>> own autoconf from source.
>>> * The Oracle JDK closed sources has a closed version that needs to 
>>> be updated. In practice, this has meant that all non-Oracle 
>>> developers, need an Oracle sponsor for patches modifying the 
>>> configure script.
>>> * If the configure script is not properly updated, the build will 
>>> fail. The same happens on the Oracle side if the closed version is 
>>> not in sync with the open version. It is easy to miss re-generating 
>>> the script after the last fix of a typo in the comments in an .m4 
>>> file...
>>> * Merging between two changes containing configure modifications is 
>>> almost impossible. In practice, the entire generated-configure.sh 
>>> needs to be thrown away and regenerated.
>>> The entire benefit of having the file in the repo is to save 
>>> first-time developers the hassle of installing autoconf. On most 
>>> platforms, this is a no-brainer (like "apt install autoconf"), and 
>>> the requirement is similar to other open source projects using 
>>> autoconf and "./configure". It's just not worth it.
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8195689
>>> WebRev: 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ihse/JDK-8195689-remove-generated-configure/webrev.01
>>> /Magnus

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