RFR: 8193017: Import freetype sources into OpenJDK source tree

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Sat Mar 10 16:35:00 UTC 2018

This is a tricky one. Since Oracle no longer ships 32 bit JDKs for any 
platform for the new releases, then there aren't resources or effort being
put into making sure it still builds. Our build systems might still 
support it, but for how long?
It might effectively have to become a "port" that someone outside will 
step up to maintain.
Not as different as AIX .. or as much effort perhaps .. but if someone 
will do that I expect patches would not be refused.


On 3/9/18, 11:55 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> I attempted to test the 32bit build but that seems to have bitrotted, 
> I ran into errors not having anything to do with your change.

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