Problem building openjdk using cygwin

Alireza Mohamadi dangersd at
Sat Mar 31 07:50:42 UTC 2018

Hi Volker, gratitude for answering my question.
After reading Q&A link you provided I realized how to make junctions but I
don't know which source should be attached to the target?
As you've mentioned `:/cygdrive/c/progra~2/microsoft: No such file or
directory` means there are no links available for "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio",
so I tried
C:\WINDOWS\system32>mklink /j "C:\progra~2\microsoft~7" "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio"
Junction created for C:\progra~2\microsoft~7 <<===>> C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
but it seems not working because I get the same error. Can you give some
tips please? Sorry if I'm newbie, I'm just interested in some JEPs and want
to test them in a project to see if I can deploy it later.
Many thanks.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at>

> Hi Alireza,
> it seems you don’t have short file names enabled for the “Program Files”
> directory. Notice that you have short file names enabled for “c:\” (i.e.
> you have “progra~2”).
> You have to first enable short file names for the “Program Files”
> directory (see for example
> short-name-8dot3-generation).
> Afterwards you must copy “microsoft visual studio” to a temporary
> directory and finally copy it back to “microsoft visual studio”. This
> should create a short name for that directory.
> Regards,
> Volker
> Alireza Mohamadi <dangersd at> schrieb am Do. 29. März 2018 um
> 06:08:
>> Hi. I wanted to build OpenJDK in windows using cygwin, and I set VC
>> compiler path, but due to whitespaces in the path I can't build, with the
>> following error:
>> ```
>> configure: Rewriting CC to "/cygdrive/c/progra~2/microsoft visual
>> studio/2017/community/vc/tools/msvc/14.13.26128/bin/hostx86/x64/cl"
>> checking resolved symbolic links for CC... no symlink
>> configure: The C compiler (located as /cygdrive/c/progra~2/microsoft
>> visual
>> studio/2017/community/vc/tools/msvc/14.13.26128/bin/hostx86/x64/cl) does
>> not seem to be the required microsoft compiler.configure: error: A
>> microsoft compiler is reconfigure: The result from running it was:
>> "/home/SuNova/jdk/build/.configure-support/ line
>> 35050: /cygdrive/c/progra~2/microsoft: No such file or directory"
>> configure exiting with result code 1
>> ```
>> Well it's not in my hands to set compiler path while installing VS2017 and
>> it does this automatically, so what can I do in this case?
>> --
>> Sometimes the best results can be achieved in the worst conditions
>> Wish you the bests :)
>> Alireza

Sometimes the best results can be achieved in the worst conditions
Wish you the bests :)

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