configure error on WSL 2

Yasumasa Suenaga suenaga at
Sun May 31 12:39:30 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I tried to build jdk/jdk on WSL 2 with VS2019, but I saw three errors as below.

1) Could not detect VC (cl.exe) version. So configure reports that it could not find valid Microsoft C++ compiler.

2) Could not generate fixpath.exe because $CONFIGURESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR/bin did not exist. `wslpath -m` in UTIL_REWRITE_AS_WINDOWS_MIXED_PATH - it does not seem to work with unavailable path.

3) LPVOID value is passed to FormatMessage() in fixpath.c . FormatMessage() accepts value for lpBuffer as LPTSTR.

I think it is worth to fix. Someone already has worked for this?
If not, I will file it to JBS, and will send review request.



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