
Neal Gafter neal at
Fri Nov 20 12:55:17 PST 2009

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Paul Benedict <pbenedict at>wrote:

> If anything, I would tell the JSR-292 folks to use ^ over # for their
> exotic identifiers ;-) But in terms of the closures, I think # is kind
> of the universal identifier of a method .. especially since I saw that
> method literals (using #) are also in JDK 7.

Exotic identifiers are now in the hands of project Coin, not 292.  I hadn't
heard that method literals are to be in JDK7.  I've had no feedback from Sun
on the 0.6a spec.

I see your point about thinking of "#" as an anonymous name, but I'd suggest
we avoid calling them methods.  Lambdas are functions, not methods.
Specifically, names are interpreted from their lexical scope, not in the
scope of "their class" (for example, "this").

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