Proposal: Enhanced String constructs for Java

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Mon Mar 9 12:06:03 PDT 2009

Felix Frost wrote:
> Enhanced String constructs for Java
> Felix Frost (felixf977 at
> Java is aging and failing to keep up with the needs of the modern
> internet age. This proposal
> conservatively extends Java with some features found in more modern
> internet ready language in
> order to ensure its continued relevance.
> This proposal extends Java with two new multi-line capable String
> constructs. One is primarily
> concerned with embedded text, while the other simplifies the
> construction of helpful error messages.
> The HAI ... KTHXBAI string expressions allow the use of embedded
> emoticons. This multi-line
> string construct begins after the HAI keyword and ends with a KTHXBAI
> keyword. It also allows
> the use of emoticons as literals in strings.
> :o is usable as the system bell character ('\g').
> :) should be synonymous with character U-263A(White Smiley) (☺)
> (available from windows arial font)
> :( should be synonymous with unicode character 0x2639 (Sad Smiley) (☹)
> :0 should be synonymous with character U-203C(Double Exclamation) (‼)
> (available from windows arial font)
> :: parses as a regular : characters
> The OMG ... DO NOT WANT string expressions allow for easier throwing
> of runtime exception. This multi-line string
> construct begins after OMG and end with DO NOT WANT. It converts
> directly into "throw new RuntimeException("<string>");"
> This string also supports the embedded emoticons listed above.



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