REQUEST: better empty catch in better exception handling

Bruce Chapman brucechapman at
Wed Mar 25 02:07:38 PDT 2009

I think a better solution to this problem is to add a new method to 
Throwable thus

public final void ignore() {}

And then you can explicitly ignore an exception like this

}catch(SomeException ex){

I would hope that hotspot could inline that quite easily  :)

I intend to suggest this for the small API changes process which is 
coming soon.


rssh at wrote:
>  Yet one problem with extension handler: rare we need catch exception but do
> nothibg in catch statement. (i. e. do not log)
> Example is code like next snipset:
> try {
>   something=searchFirst(condition);
> }catch(NotFoundException ex){
>   // do nothing. search better
> }
> if (something!=null) {
>  try {
>   something=searchSecond(condition);
>  }catch(NotFoundException ex){
>   // do nothing. search better
>  }
> }
> >From other side, we prefer do not have in codebase code with empty
> exception handling and use special tools to detect empty catch braclets
> and warn about ones.
>  For now,   we use ';' to mark, that this empty catch is really empty
> catch and not error or unfinished refactoring. I.e.:
> if (something!=null) {
>  try {
>   something=searchSecond(condition);
>  }catch(NotFoundException ex){
>   // do nothing. search better
>   ;  // ';' tell javachecker do not complain about empty catch.
>  }
> }
> But this is ugly.
> Of course, is simple use annotation
> @SuppressWarning("empty-catch")  but javac compiler does not warn about
> empty catch-s.
> So, question to community: is it possible to extend exception handling
> proposal by adding optional conventions
>  - warn about empty catch-s
>  - specify rare cases, when empty catch is really needed. ?
> For example, this can be @EmptyCatch annotation, which mark catch block
> empty. i.e.
> try {
> }catch(@EmptyCatch  NotFound | FoundNotAsILike ex ){
> }
> and effective do nothing.

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