Multi-catch/final rethrow

Neal Gafter neal at
Tue May 4 09:01:15 PDT 2010

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at>wrote:

> Agreed - that is the perspective from a compiler writer. Its just
> "better flow analysis". But most developers don't understand that.
> The new code says "throw", the type it is throwing is "Exception", yet
> it isn't declared in the method signature - the exception disappears
> into thin air! (at least in the eyes of many devs).
> There be a puzzler here...

That would be interesting.  I've yet to see a true puzzler where a source
file successfully compiles "unexpectedly".  Generally such examples are
curiosities but don't interfere with honest software engineering.

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