Update: OpenJDK Forum: Core Libraries Round Table

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Fri May 29 05:27:21 UTC 2009

Since conference calls may be a somewhat new experience to some of us,

here are a couple ground rules:

* Please identify yourself by name and location when speaking.

At least in theory, we could have more then one Dalibor on the call, for 
example, and for those of us not familiar with each Dalibor's voice, having
a way to pick them apart is useful. 

* Please address individuals by name when speaking.

That helps keep the discussion flowing, without causing confusion who a
particular question, remark or idea is addressed to.

* Please speak clearly and avoid side conversations and background noise.

We'll use the #openjdk IRC channel on irc.oftc.net for side conversations.
If you are not familiar with IRC clients, you can run the corresponding
web start application at http://openjdk.java.net/irc/ .

*  Keeping the noise down

When you're not speaking, please mute your own line by pressing *6 on your 
telephone keypad. To unmute press *6 again.

* On Sun campus in Santa Clara?

Please join Dalibor and Alan in conference room "Abba Zabba" in building 22.

See & hear you soon,
dalibor topic

Dalibor Topic                   Tel: (+49 40) 23 646 738
Java F/OSS Ambassador           AIM: robiladonaim
Sun Microsystems GmbH           Mobile: (+49 177) 2664 192
Nagelsweg 55                    http://openjdk.java.net
D-20097 Hamburg                 mailto:Dalibor.Topic at sun.com
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sonnenallee 1, D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht München: HRB 161028
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Schröder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Bömer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Häring

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