Native zlib libraries

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at
Wed Jul 11 08:19:13 UTC 2012

The zip64 support (total_in/out) part probably can be done at Java level 
the total_in/out in z_tream_s).  Need to remove this dependency. Will 
take a look later.


On 7/11/2012 12:47 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 05/07/2012 17:11, Andrew Hughes wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> Is there a way to get the native zlib libraries to get picked up
>>> instead of the hardcoded version within the JVM?
>>> -- 
>>> Azeem Jiva
>>> @javawithjiva
>> We have this in IcedTea (USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB=true) and intend to get it
>> upstream.
>> However, I don't see how this is related to HotSpot, as the zlib usage
>> is in the jdk tree.
> I think we need to (re)start the discussion on core-libs-dev with a 
> view to eliminating the patches that the JDK has to zlib, see:
> One of these changes relates to the zip64 support and I believe there 
> are corner cases when inflating or deflating >2GB that won't work if 
> using the system zlib. Sherman will likely recall the details. Given 
> that the new build already supports using the system zlib (at least on 
> Linux) then it would be good to sort this out so that it just works.
> -Alan

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