Codereview request for 8006295: Base64.Decoder.wrap( returns InputStream which throws unspecified IOException on attempt to decode invalid Base64 byte stream

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Feb 1 11:40:36 UTC 2013

On 01/02/2013 10:14, Patrick Wright wrote:
> Would it be appropriate to have a "format" exception extending 
> RuntimeException? That could then be documented in the API, but 
> optional to catch explicitly. "Format exceptions", as a name, are 
> already used for converting numbers and dates, for example. It could 
> be "upgraded" to a checked exception in a later release, it people 
> found it useful. A nice thing about a format exception is you could 
> (possibly) include more detail about where the conversion failed, and 
> why, via fields/getters on the exception.
This is an InputStream and so will be used with libraries and code that 
will rightly expect it to behave as an InputStream. So I think it would 
be better to keep it as an IOException (whether a specialized 
IOException is needed is debatable). That would be consistent with how 
we handle malformed and unmappable input in other areas.


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