RFR: 8007806: Need a Throwables performance counter

Nils Loodin nils.loodin at oracle.com
Tue Feb 26 10:12:24 UTC 2013

On 02/26/2013 12:18 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> On 2/25/2013 8:30 AM, Nils Loodin wrote:
>> I changed it to
>> sun.throwables.numThrowables
>> in http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~nloodin/8007806/webrev.01/
>> Is this better? However, bear in mind that it's not exactly specified
>> where this is going to be incremented from yet. Nothing in this change
>> states that it's going to be incremented from the Throwable constructor.
> I'm surprised to see adding a performance counter for an "external"
> instrumentation agent to use.   I understand that we agree that dynamic
> bytecode instrumentation is a more appropriate approach to instrument
> and count the number of thrown throwables.

Just to be clear, what I was trying to say that this review is just to 
add the counter, and the discussion on how and when to access it is 
something that I'd much rather have in context of a review of that code...

But yes, we do agree that dynamic bytecode instrumentation is a more 
appropriate aproach to count the number of throwables. But that code and 
the following review would depend on this one.

Nils Loodin

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