RFR: (8031737) CHECK_NULL and CHECK_EXCEPTION macros cleanup

roger riggs roger.riggs at oracle.com
Tue Feb 11 21:48:18 UTC 2014

Hi Phil,

The later changeset picked up the recommended style of implementing the 
but I don't think it was substantive.  You can probably do without it.

Version.c had some changes in a different changeset to address
the omission of checking for exceptions after some JNI calls.


On 2/11/2014 4:39 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> Roger,
> That later one seems to be using the macros. I don't see any update to 
> the macros.
> So I'm not sure why I'm need it .. since I'm not using those calls and 
> neither
> are the macros.
> -phil.
> On 2/11/14 12:28 PM, roger riggs wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Yes, it ended up in two change sets in jdk 9, you should take both to 
>> be up to date.
>> changeset:   9245:a09982d91fab
>> user:        rriggs
>> date:        Wed Feb 05 10:59:53 2014 -0500
>> files:       src/share/native/common/jni_util.c
>> description:
>> 8030993: Check jdk/src/share/native/common/jni_util.c for JNI pending 
>> exceptions
>> changeset:   9229:fb89dc4fe8da
>> date:        Mon Feb 03 16:58:02 2014 -0500
>> files:       src/share/native/common/jni_util.h 
>> src/share/native/sun/misc/Version.c
>> interrupted!
>> description:
>> 8031737: CHECK_NULL and CHECK_EXCEPTION macros cleanup
>> Thanks, Roger
>> On 2/11/2014 2:57 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>> Roger,
>>> Yes, I can do that.
>>>  I see here 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-check-cleanup-8031737/ that
>>> 1) There was a previous version of these macros.
>>> Looks like no need to worry about that I just need the latest version.
>>> 2) There was also a change to Version.c. I can include that if you 
>>> think it
>>> appropriate .. or omit it if you think its not essential.
>>> -phil.
>>> On 2/11/2014 11:14 AM, roger riggs wrote:
>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>> I see your point,  there is nothing in the changes unique to 9.
>>>> Do you want to take care of the back point?
>>>> Roger
>>>> On 2/11/2014 2:04 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>> Roger,
>>>>> Why not JDK 8u ? I've got a lot of changes  that utilise these 
>>>>> that will
>>>>> backport cleanly to JDK 8u only if 8u includes these macros. And 
>>>>> since
>>>>> the changes are all over the place I don't fancy copy/pasting them
>>>>> everywhere. I suspect I am not the only one who would like these 
>>>>> in 8u ..
>>>>> -phil.
>>>>> On 02/03/2014 01:48 PM, roger riggs wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Lance,
>>>>>> The convenience macros are only intended for JDK 9.
>>>>>> Roger
>>>>>> On 2/1/2014 1:58 PM, Lance @ Oracle wrote:
>>>>>>> Looks fine
>>>>>>> Which releases are you think of including this in if any besides 9?
>>>>>>> <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance 
>>>>>>> Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037 
>>>>>>> <tel:+1.781.442.2037>
>>>>>>> Oracle Java Engineering
>>>>>>> 1 Network Drive <x-apple-data-detectors://34/0>
>>>>>>> Burlington, MA 01803 <x-apple-data-detectors://34/0>
>>>>>>> Lance.Andersen at oracle.com <mailto:Lance.Andersen at oracle.com>
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>>> On Feb 1, 2014, at 1:03 PM, roger riggs <roger.riggs at oracle.com 
>>>>>>> <mailto:roger.riggs at oracle.com>> wrote:

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