RFR [6853696] (ref) ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) may return null even if timeout has not expired

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed Feb 26 06:19:29 UTC 2014

On 2/25/2014 1:46 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>> line 61:  I think the test should be:
>>    if (thread.reference != null || thread.actual < TIMEOUT)
> Sorry, I'm not clear why.
> We have two threads:
> 1) The lucky one gets non-null reference when it calls remove(). For 
> this thread the actual time it had spent on waiting may be much less 
> than 1 sec timeout.
> 2) The one which receives null from remove(). The amount of time it 
> should have waited before returning from remove() should not be less 
> than timeout.

I missed that you remove the strong reference (line 57).   I think it's 
good to hold the strong reference so that ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) 
will timeout and the test can verify reliably.

Perhaps once you check the EarlyTimeout threads (both should timeout 
with null reference), you can clear the referent and call System.gc() 
and then verify if queue.remove(longTimeout) should not block as the 
reference should be enqueued for removal.


> That's what we should check here:
> if the thread is not the lucky one (reference == null), we make sure 
> it spent whole second waiting in remove().
> Please find the slightly updated version of webrev here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/6853696/2/webrev/
> I didn't change the if () clause, as I'm not yet sure why it should be 
> done.

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