RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.io, java.lang, java.math

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Tue Aug 4 09:19:39 UTC 2015

Hi Alexander,



-     * <blockquote><tt>
-     * new File(</tt><i> f</i><tt>.{@link #toURI() 
toURI}()).equals(</tt><i> f</i><tt>.{@link #getAbsoluteFile() 
-     * </tt></blockquote>
+     * <blockquote>
+     * {@code new File(f.}{@link
+     * #toURI() toURI}{@code ()).equals(f.}{@link
+     * #getAbsoluteFile() getAbsoluteFile}{@code ())}
+     * </blockquote>

Sorry I missed the <i></i> in my previous suggestion - so
wrapping the whole thing with <code> is probably the better idea,
something like:

     * <blockquote><code>
     * new File(<i> f</i>.{@link
     * #toURI() toURI()}.equals(<i> f</i>.{@link
     * #getAbsoluteFile() getAbsoluteFile()}
     * </code></blockquote>

Whatever you chose to do - please do verify how the new javadoc
looks when changing such complex formatted statements.


-     * <blockquote><tt>
-     * new {@link #File(java.net.URI) 
File}(</tt><i> f</i><tt>.toURI()).equals(</tt><i> f</i><tt>.{@link 
#getAbsoluteFile() getAbsoluteFile}())
-     * </tt></blockquote>
+     * <blockquote>
+     * {@code new }{@link #File(java.net.URI) File}{@code 
+     * {@link #getAbsoluteFile() getAbsoluteFile}{@code ())}
+     * </blockquote>

As Stuart noted this second change is wrong - it's missing
I also believe we should keep the original italics
around 'f'.

Can you please generate a specdiff so that we can verify that
there's nothing wrong with the new javadoc?
It is very easy to miss something with such changes...

best regards,

-- daniel

On 03/08/15 11:31, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
> Hello,
> Could you please review the following fix:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/8132468/webrev.00/
> for
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132468
> Just some cleanup for docs (replacing obsolete "<tt></tt>").
> Thanks,
> Alexander

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