RFR(XS): 8072844: Use more efficient LambdaForm type representation

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Thu Dec 3 14:13:58 UTC 2015

On 2015-12-03 15:08, Michael Haupt wrote:
> Dear all,
> thank you, Claes, Sundar, and Ulf - here's a new webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mhaupt/8072844/webrev.01


> The string signature is now only used in tracing and assertions, which is why caching it is not necessary.
> Caching the method type might be worthwhile, but this requires further analysis: it is used in LF bytecode generation and DMH creation only. I'll keep it out of this change but bear it in mind.

Seems reasonable to examine this - and perhaps re-examine the weakly 
interned set inside MethodType - in isolation.


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