RFR [9] Move sun.misc math support classes to jdk.internal.math

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Mon Dec 21 16:09:21 UTC 2015

There are 5 "math" related classes in the sun.misc package,
DoubleConsts, FDBigInteger, FloatConsts, FloatingDecimal, and
FormattedFloatingDecimal. They provide support for various standard
constants, and conversation/formatting utilities, etc. They are used
by the JDK in a few public packages, java.lang, java.math, java.text,
and java.util, as well as in some 2d code. No usages have been found
outside the JDK.

Rather than move these classes to a public namespace, and access them
through a shared secret ( or other such mechanism ), I think it makes
sense for them to be co-located in their own internal package,
jdk.internal.math ( open to other suggestions on the name ), rather
than jdk.internal.misc.



P.S. this change has been prompted by preparatory cleanup work for
JEP 260, JDK-8132928.

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