RFR 8073056: Repeating annotations throws java.security.AccessControlException with a SecurityManager

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 21:27:28 UTC 2015

On 02/26/2015 05:34 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> The problem is with the default method 
>> AnnotatedElement::getDeclaredAnnotationsByType. If someone has an 
>> external implementation of AnnotatedElement (and one of the lessons 
>> from adding these methods in 8 was that there are other 
>> implementations) then if that external implementation haven’t added 
>> getDeclaredAnnotationsByType they will call into our 
>> AnnotationSupport. This is all fine if that external representation 
>> of AnnotatedElement uses our representation of Annotations, with 
>> Proxies and all. But I suspect that the conditions that would end up 
>> taking the non-proxy code path in the patch, will already fail in the 
>> check:
>>               AnnotationType annoType = 
>> AnnotationType.getInstance(containerClass);
>>               if (annoType == null)
>>                   throw invalidContainerException(container, null);
>> So what is the best thing to do here if the annotation is not Proxy 
>> based and is coming from an implementation of the AnnotatedElement 
>> interface that we don’t control and that is missing the methods added 
>> in 8?
> I did a quick search on my corpus and find only one reference to
> sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType.  Looks like external 
> implementation
> doesn't get pass this. 

Now I'm missing something. Why would a custom non-Proxy based annotation 
not pass the above code? I don't see anything in AnnotationType 
implementation that would be dependent on annotation implementation to 
be a Proxy. AnnotationType only deals with the annotation type, which is 
an interface, not with implementation.

The m.setAccessible(true) for the methods is needed to access methods of 
non-public annotations, right? This call could be moved to 
AnnotationType constructor as there it will be performed only once per 
Method object.

Regards, Peter

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